Michele Zese

Michele Zese

I am a Swiss philosophical practitioner, I completed a three-year training with Gerd B. Achenbach, and am a member of the Swiss association philopraxis.ch. Among other things, I teach ethics to social pedagogues and organize philosophical walks. Above all, I am interested in philosophical contemplation and exercises for everyday life, and am currently writing a book on this subject.

For more information, please see www.aretepraxis.ch

MirjamMusicaVIDEO:  Mirjam Musica
Sich von philosophischen Ideen begleiten lassen


Mirjam Musica lebt und arbeitet in Rheinfelden in der Schweiz, wo sie eine philosophische Praxis fuehrt. Sie beraet Einzelpersonen, Gruppen und Institutionen. Mirjam Musica ist Mitglied der schweizerischen Vereinigung philopraxis.ch.

“Our reason is forced to arrange the means according to the goals”, says Simone Weil in one of her small aphorisms. On the other hand, “love should not make any difference”, she continues, “we should love the act of sweeping as well as the cleaned room afterwards”.

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